Be Challenged Without Being Intimidated.
Photo Courses, Field Workshops, Coaching & Mentoring
Professional Instruction for All Levels
We offer a variety of learning opportunities. Take a traditional college course, consider a one-on-one custom learning session, or how about a small group experience. We even offer long-term coaching and mentoring services to help you build advanced photography knowledge, techniques, and business skills.
Each learning experience is crafted to match your photography interests, current knowledge and skill level, and future photography goals.
We will design a custom program to fit your needs. Email or call us (480.204.3109) to learn more.
Beginner Session
In-The-Field Learning With Your Camera
If you are a motivated beginner looking to jump-start the learning process, consider booking a 2-hour Beginner Session. This one-to-one session is designed as a hands-on field learning experience. A digital download guide is provided before the session for your review. Then, with your camera in your hands, the learning begins.
You’ll Learn: how a camera works, what the primary buttons and switches do, when to use what, and how to create a well-balanced and purposeful photograph. Expect structured practice, lots of repetition, and a digital reference document.
Student Profile: This is a beginner session for self-motivated photo enthusiasts who want to learn basic photography concepts quickly. Learning is done on location behind the camera, and students use their cameras.
Learning Level: Beginner
Session Length: 2-hours
Cost: $150
Not Covered: Transportation to or from session meeting place
Group or Custom Photo Workshop|Coaching Session
Next Level Knowledge, Skills & Composition Concepts
Our small group workshops are designed to maximize learning at reasonable prices. If you prefer a custom one-to-one coaching experience, we can provide that, too!
What you will learn; intermediate and advanced camera exposure skills, & techniques, how to create purposeful compositions, choosing the best lens that matches the objective, powerful focusing concepts, and an in-field workflow that leaves nothing to chance.
This workshop includes plenty of structured practice. Sessions are conducted at iconic landscape locations. We aim for every participant to walk away with a full toolbox of new knowledge, skills & techniques.
Student Profile: Photo enthusiasts with good working knowledge of their camera and an understanding of the exposure triangle concept.
Level: Intermediate to advanced
Session Length: 3- 6 hours (Minimum 3 hours)
Cost: from $125 per hour
Not Covered: Post-computer processing. However, a post-workshop editing session can be added. A two-hour session costs $75.
Computer Photo File Organization & Storage
Not sure what to do with all those photo files scattered on your hard drive? Need a workflow to organize and protect your files? Unsure how to import and export files? Book a one-to-one computer file organization session.
You’ll Learn best practices for creating a photo file hard drive organization and storage structure, how to safely import and export files from your camera to your editing software program, and suggestions for creating backup processes.
Student Profile: This class is designed for those with basic computer skills.
Learning Level: Beginner & Intermediate
Session Length: 2-hours
Cost: $100
Computer Photo Editing
Photo editing begins with file import and storage. File sorting, triage, and methodical editing follow. Finally, the process ends with file naming, labeling, and proper export to a safe location.
What You’ll Learn: best practices for importing photo files, a methodical editing workflow, basic, intermediate, and advanced Adobe Lightroom or Photoshop editing skills, and techniques. Learn best practices for export files, including keywording and assigning file parameters.
Student Profile: This class is designed for students with basic computer skills and photo editing software experience.
Learning Level: Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced
Session Length: 2-hours
Cost: $150
What People Are Saying
“Steve is one of the best workshop leaders we ever had… knowledgeable, personable, and dependable …”
— Steve & Lorraine 2020
“This workshop more than met my expectations. Steve is a fantastic instructor.”
— Jennifer 2019
“What a wonderful professional photographer. Steve is the total package.”
— Ken 2018
“I had high hopes for the workshop and my expectations was exceeded. ..extremely helpful .. easily understood.”
— Victoria 2019